Thursday, February 22, 2018

A quick summary of the Law of Attraction

TL;DR:  You are the physical manifestation of an eternal being and your thoughts and desires shape your reality.

The metaphysical basis of Law of Attraction is the idea that you and I are part of an eternal being that we shall call “Source.”   Our bodies are merely physical manifestations of Source, taken up for the purpose of personal expansion.  This expansion is accomplished through the process of coming to understand what we desire.  The universe itself is deeply benevolent and conscious of our desires.  When we ask for something, the Universe grants it immediately, creating the thing in a spiritual escrow called “The Vortex”.   The physical manifestation of the thing is dependent on our choice to align our thoughts to it.  The great spiritual struggle in life is to align our thoughts with this spiritual abundance. 

The basic action of LOA is in our thoughts.   When we think, we generate a “vibration” that is matched by the physical universe as a “manifestation”.   E.g.:  We have a mindset of love, and love comes to us.  We have a mindset of wealth and wealth comes to us.   It also works the other way:  we have a mindset of being unlovable and relationships flee.  We have a mindset of poverty and we are always poor.   In order to receive what we desire, then, we must align our thoughts with what is desired.

A common misconception about LOA is that if you think about something hard enough or want something bad enough, then it will come to you.   LOA teaches that the opposite is true.  The act of focusing on a thing that is missing actually generates a vibration of lack.  This focus on what is not desired will reinforce the conditions of lack.   What is instead required is the appreciation for how the thing we desire is already manifesting to us in some way.   For example, if I desire a relationship, I could observe and appreciate that there are already people in my life that I love and get to interact with.  When I appreciate what has already manifested, then my relationships will deepen and multiply.

Because the universe is benevolent, everything that is desired is “downstream”.  The false belief that everything requires struggle is the greatest enemy to happiness.  It is true that opposition does happen, but it is not to seed conflict.  Rather, it is to provide contrast that helps a person understand what is desired.  In other words, opposition is necessary and a blessing, and when our response to it is allowance, we are in a position to receive what we want.

A final point of LOA is that the spiritual creation of our desires is just as real an important as the physical manifestation of those desires.  A person who understands this will find deep satisfaction in contemplating a spiritual creation and knowing that the physical manifestation will follow when the time is right.    An enlightened person will see the life experience as many delightful trips to a buffet:  It would be nonsense to try to eat all the food of a lifetime in one night.  We would much rather enjoy the pleasant sensation of hunger eased by delicious food again and again, forever. 

There’s a number of sources to go to for LOA ideas.  I favor the ideas of Esther Hicks (a former Mormon), which you can search on YouTube if you’d like to get an earful.  

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